Sabbath evening we all went for a walk. The kids especially had energy to burn. Ranger is hardly ever on a leash so it was a novelty to lead him.

The kids and Ranger were always ahead of the adults. They just about ran the whole time.

Had to go see what Ranger was sniffing in the grass.

Curtis' mom and I painted the main bathroom upstairs. The previous color was off white with a border. It needed a change. This green was picked to go in the downstairs bathroom but after looking at the samples together for a while,I changed my mind. I kept the chocolate brown towels and other accessories.

With Curtis, Russell and Chloe all moving their shower things downstairs, I am hoping this bathroom with remain clean. It felt good to empty the drawers out. This will be the guest bathroom. It is also nice to have my bathroom to myself again.
1 comment:
the green does look good. must be a nice change. the kids probably miss their grandma and grandpa whitmore already.
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