As you all probably know by now, we like to spread out birthday celebrations at our house. Last Sabbath, Chloe opened her present from Auntie Kimmy. So we thought that yesterday it was about time she opened some more things. Grandma went shopping for an outfit and wrapped all the pieces in separate bags so Chloe could have lots to open. They outfit will be displayed at a later occasion. Tomorrow we are having a little party for Chloe. Her birthday is on Tuesday, but Daddy has to work. This shirt is not part of the outfit, Grandma just couldn't resist it! Cute toes of many different sizes. The love of grandparents is over whelming. They have enough love for their spouse, kids, grand kids, and friends. Russell and Chloe are blessed to know both sets of their grandparents.
Those are great pictures of your mom and dad with the kids!! They sure do a lot with them! So nice to see!!!
We so much enjoy our grandchildren, all of them. Thanks for having us as part of their lives.
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