Here is Thomas the Tank Engine that Russell and Chloe know so well. They were so excited to see a life size Thomas. Even though the weather was cold and we were dressed like it was November, it was well worth it. Grandma and Grandpa Whitmore were able join us on this adventure.

Russell and Chloe were each given some money from the grandparents to spend today. Chloe did not buy this hat, she just wanted a picture with it.

A pose with Sir Topham Hat. Those of you who know the Thomas lingo will know who this is. I like how Chloe is holding his hand.

In one of the tents there was a musical show. Kermit the Frog came to kiss Russell. During the show, they asked for volunteers. Russell and Chloe both went up a few times. Here Chloe thinks she is going to get wet but she didn't. She was very nervous that she would get wet, it was good magic.

Here Russell went up front to make music. The string that was holding the jug on him broke because he was pulling on it because it was too tight. He was a little embarrassed but continued the show.

Chloe loves to get her face painted. Oh yeah, it was free too.

The Whitmore clan.

Grandma looks more impressed to ride the carousel than Curtis. I think the last time Curtis smiled for a nice picture was our wedding!!

I would recommend a Day With Thomas for anyone who has kids that like Thomas. Now back home in the morning. My mother-in-law dug me lots of perennials to plant at my house. Some of them were given to her by her mother-in-law. They are defiantly heirloom plants. If I were to buy all that I have, it would have cost me about $600. I am blessed. I will post pictures of the flower beds later.
LOL @ Curtis! I think you just have a knack for catching him at a bad moment! Ha! Chloe's facepaint looks fantastic! What a cool thing to do. Drive safe.
I can't wait...I told Jaren that we are having a special wknd for him and Landen with mommy and Grandma!! He is very curious, I hope he loves it and that the weather cooperates!! Glad you guys had a great time. Thanks for the pictures.
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