Grandpa and Grandma came over for Grandpa's birthday supper. We had all of his favorite foods; steak, baked potatoes, corn, pistachio salad, and ice cream and chocolate sauce for dessert.

Russell and Chloe dug a river in the garden and filled it with water then proceeded to run through it. They were pretending they had black skin like the Jamaicans at church!!

This is the flower bed Curtis made for me. I planed more day lilies in there after this picture was taken. The plants have had a rough start to to frost, heat, and then snow. I will take some pictures in the fall and hopefully it will look good. This picture is taken facing the neighbors yard. Curtis is going to do another flower bed by the water riser. He really likes this one and is ready to do more!!

Last Sunday we had the skid steer from John Deere for the day. Curtis moved dirt and fixed the driveway and filled in ruts in other parts of the yard. Now it is ready for seed. Too bad I did not get the seed on before the snow.

The grass was not that green here. I can't wait to see how it will look after about 3" of moisture.

This is one of the flower pots in front of the house. The petunias are salmon and purple colored. Gardening is a passion of mine and there will be lots more pictures of our yard before the the summer is over!

Our yard Sabbath morning. It still looks like this today. A bit of grass is starting to show and the taller perennials. I am waiting for 14 degrees tomorrow and than 20 for the rest of the week. Germination in the garden should not be a problem. My lawn mower is ready to go.

We are having Russell's birthday party this week because Curtis will be gone on a course on June 4. Birthdays are not the same without Daddy. Russell will be 7 and finishing grade one. Where has the time gone. I find it harder to accept Russell getting older than Chloe. There are several birthday and anniversaries in our family from May to July that by the time Chloe's birthday comes on July 20, I'm about done.
You've been busy!!!
I'm glad the snow is gone. Your flower bed really look nice. I don't know if I can say the same thing for muddy kids.
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