Every fall I take Russell and Chloe's pictures in a wheat field. It was very windy that day and Chloe did not get her picture taken because her hair blows around. So before you comment that I forgot her, keep watching, they will come!! This is a typical farmer, checking the grain.
Buster was enjoying the scratch and warm sunshine. This is something I always have pictured, our son having fun in a field with the dogs. I think boys and dogs just go together. Russell had fun just running through the wheat and was out there for about and hour playing. This is the closest Ranger could be to Buster other wise Buster would growl for fear that Ranger would be getting more attention that him. Briana was in her glory sitting between the kids because she got double the cake!! Oops, one piece fell on the way to Briana's mouth. Grandpa and Uncle Steven's right hand helper. They taught him to run the auger mover so they do not have to get out of the truck when getting ready to unload the trailer. So where ever the super-B's were, so was Russell.
That one picture looks like Russell is being followed by a lion in the field!!! Great shots!
Hey, you forgot Chloe in the fall pictures!! :o)
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