Chloe was not outside quite as much as Russell. She loves to help in the house. Here she is grating cheese for the taco salad and mopping the floor. She is a great dish washer and can handle the hot water.

Chloe likes to do anything to please Briana and make her happy. The chocolate cake defiantly did it!

There was so much black dust from the canola. Just climbing down the combine, she was covered. She was very good at keeping the windows clean for me in the combine. All I had to worry about were the outside windows. She is fun to have around and chat with in the combine when going up and down the swathes can get boring.
Looks like EVERYONE is keeping busy and being big helps!
Chloe was a big help. She definitely only likes to be on the equipment for so long and then it's back to the house.
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