These are my big, juicy and sweet raspberries. They can cover a quarter. Chloe took the picture below. We have enjoyed eating them and I'm glad they are still producing. Sabbath afternoon, Andrew was here to play on the trampoline with water. Here are some of the presents I received. Chloe is beaming with excitement. On my birthday, we went on a quad trip in the woods with Brian, Cassy and Hailey. It was more a ride for the ladies. I think the men got a little bored because it was not aggressive enough. They can go another time. We stopped at this cabin for some snacks. Russell eating the leftover birthday cake form the day before. Chloe and Hailey getting ready to give a performance. They are just making a plan. Chloe doing a little jig. Now it was time to learn about science. There is a beaver dam and a hole where the beavers go in and out. Brian was showing the kids how the mud was very hard by the hole from the beavers compacting it and beside the beaver trail, it is soft. Then it was time to play with sticks in the mud. After quading, we went to the farm to have supper with the rest of the gang. Combining was in full swing which means we had Chinese food in the field. It was very tasty and has been a long time since I have had it. The kids were playing quading in the ditch. Let the imaginations run wild. Cassy and Victoria hanging out. This is what the scene looked like after everyone had a full tummy. I had a great day for my birthday. I did not have to cook one meal which was probably the best treat of all . I love spending the day with friends and family and it was nice to have Curtis home for the whole day and his phone did not ring, which was the bonus!! Now it is back to the regular things. Chloe is at the farm for a few days this week and I enjoy having just Russell here. Thanks everyone for the fun day, great food and happy faces.
Looks like harvest is in full swing up there. Here is was 81% humidity this morning! Still pretty green. the smilebox looked like a JD commercial. Beautiful pics! And what is it with Kevin's "Hutterite" beard?!!!!
Looks like you had a wonderful birthday!! Wow, things are sure advanced there! I had to laugh at Elaine's comment about your dad, I was thinking the EXACT same thing when I saw him! :)
That beard is thanks to Mom, who told him that she wanted him to grow a beard. But I don't think she specified what type of beard! We're not sure how long the beard will be staying with us. Dad's new name is "Jacob, the Boss Man."
We are all not too sure of the beard. With the dark colored pants that are dirty they almost look black and the shirt fits right in too! One day he will get tired of it.
Looks like harvest is in full swing up there. Here is was 81% humidity this morning! Still pretty green. the smilebox looked like a JD commercial. Beautiful pics!
And what is it with Kevin's "Hutterite" beard?!!!!
Looks like you had a wonderful birthday!! Wow, things are sure advanced there! I had to laugh at Elaine's comment about your dad, I was thinking the EXACT same thing when I saw him! :)
That beard is thanks to Mom, who told him that she wanted him to grow a beard. But I don't think she specified what type of beard! We're not sure how long the beard will be staying with us. Dad's new name is "Jacob, the Boss Man."
We are all not too sure of the beard. With the dark colored pants that are dirty they almost look black and the shirt fits right in too! One day he will get tired of it.
He decided to have a different look so he didn't look so much like a Hutterite. His head got shaved. I quite like it.
Your raspberries do look good. I need to go pick a pail today.
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