I have been blessed by the beautiful weather we have been having. It is nice to come back from Florida to this. Seeding has started and the kids are excited to be able to eat meals in the field.

Dad's cousins from California are here to help out. Russell and Chloe love spending time with them. Richard and Duane and both grandpa's and know how to relate to kids.

The day lilies in the perennial bed by the house are growing by leaps and bounds. I fertilized everything, added some mulch and then watered. Soon this bed will be full of yarrow, aster daisy and much more. I am still remembering May 20, 2009 when we were buried in snow. I am hoping it does not happen again. I would rather take a week of cloudy, cool, drizzle than snow.

Briana came over to spend some time with Auntie today. Russell and Chloe are very good babysitters. I was able to mow some lawn and get a few others done while she was here. She thought she needed a phone for each ear, one to talk to Mommy and the other for Victoria. Briana's vocabulary is expanding and she is fun to listen to. Even the kids understand her.
My flower beds are showing signs of life, too. Can't wait to see everything else pop up. Yes, Russell and Chloe are good babysitters. Briana calls your house "Chloe's house." She is lots of fun to talk to and listen to. She looks tired in the pictures.
She was tires. I think she is not use to so much activity. She has Russell and Chloe to keep up with. When she is at home, she sets the pace.
I love going out and seeing the bits of green showing up here and there - it is soo nice!! With that dump of snow it seemed to give everything around here a reason to live :) Now we're getting a bit of rain today - hope it continues!! Great pictures of seeding!
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