With Mom and Dad being on holidays in Hawaii, we have been looking after their puppy Samson. He is an English Mastiff and growing like a weed. The kids love to play with him in his kennel. He is learning house rules good and how to treat the kitty.

Last night we went for wagon rides at Evergreen Park to look at the lights. The weather was not that cold. All the kids had fun and want to go again when Grandma and Grandpa get back.

Russell and Victoria.

Chloe and Briana. The flash was very bright when it's dark outside. Silly girls.

Some of the lights. The wagon was rough because there is not much snow. It's hard to take pictures in the dark on a rough ride.

All the kids.

Uncle Curtis and Victoria.

All wrapped up on the wagon. Russell was sitting on the other side with me. Steven is sipping a coffee, Curtis and I already finished ours!
We have our tree up and soon there will be presents underneath. I have some to wrap that Chloe and Russell want to help with. Most of our snow melted due to warm weather and rain. The remaining snow is not nice to play in. Hopefully we will get some more white stuff soon.
Curtis has been working the past two Sundays. I guess it's that time of year when the shop is busy. We will be heading to the Whitmore's for a few days at Christmas. Not all the kids will be there at the same time due to Lana working when Curtis has off and Curtis working when Lana has off. We will stop by their house to at least see Wes and Carter for a little bit. We will be able to spend some time with Crystal, Alvin and the kids. I'm sure there will be lots for Christmas pictures to post in the near future.