
Here is Chloe and Aunt Joanie blowing at each other. Chloe had a fun filled day of activities. At the last minute we decided to go to Dawson Creek swimming. Uncle Norm and Aunt Joanie were leaving the next day for home so we had her celebrations early. Curtis missed the swimming but came out for supper. Last year Chloe went swimming at the same place. Maybe she is starting a tradition. Taco bake was on the menu for supper, one of Chloe's favorites.

I am a cooker and a baker not a cake decorator. My friend who usually makes cakes for the kids was heading out for holidays so I was on my own. She lent me her decorating equipment. I had the pan already. After a bit I got the hang of it. Russell is already making plans for his next cake. Russell wanted to help so he wrote the happy birthday.

Here comes Uncle Norm. He had never been on a water slide before. He was a good sport. The first time he didn't know he was to lay down. So up he went for another ride and laid down. He went much faster.

This was Aunt Joanie's first time as well.

Grandma came flying down the water slide. This was taken just after she surfaced. At first all you could see were legs in the air. Chloe is watching her and laughing!!

Here is Aunt Joanie doing a dive. She was a swimming instructor and swam for many year.

Here's Uncle Norm doing his dive too.

Russell had a little private lesson. One on one teaching does great.

Chloe with a little swimming lesson as well.




Grandma and the birthday girl.

After swimming we went to Tony Roma's and Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway. We were waiting for Curtis to arrive at Mom and Dad's for supper so we had some time to kill. Chloe had a fun filled day. We did not arrive home till 11:00 pm. Needless to say there will be an early bedtime tonight.