On Friday evening the kids wanted me to open a Mother's Day present. They had gone shopping with Curtis a few days before hand and could wait no longer. There was also another method to this, they wanted waffles on Sabbath morning for breakfast!!

This next picture is compliments of Russell. We long out grew our 2 waffle maker. I was so happy to get a 4 one so I don't have to wait to eat.

On Sunday morning, Russell and Chloe brought me breakfast in bed. The idea all got started when I read them The Bernstein Bears Mother's Day Surprise book about a month ago. They thought it was a fantastic idea. So the kids were up early to get things started. Curtis was up as well. I had strict instructions to stay in bed. I am usually the first one up. I am not pictured here as I don't look like those on moms on TV when they first wake up all beautiful!! Chloe put on her apron over her nightie and came in to take my order. It was very special. My breakfast arrived just how I ordered. Curtis and the kids sat on the bed while I ate. While they had breakfast I had a shower. It was a nice change.

On Sunday we went for a quad trip with Cassy and Hailey. Most of the snow was gone in the woods. The weather was beautiful.

The beavers have done a good job of clearing out all the trees but the evergreens.

There was still some snow. Not as much water as I thought, though still enough to play in.

Cassy showing us some moves on the beaver dam!!

Chloe found a stick and is pretending to hunt.

Hailey is the only girl I know that goes quading in pink!! She is getting hungry. This is where we stopped for a little snack.

Cute smiles from the girls.

All geared up.

Cassy trailed behind me so I could watch her go through the water. This is not as deep as some places.

We all know how much Russell likes to be hugged and kissed!!

Her quad did just fine.

This puddle was a bit deeper. I went through one where the exhaust was under water and it sounded like the quad was blowing bubbles. Curtis said you can get as deep as the seat. It was deep enough I could feel it float at bit. Did not overflow my rubber boots though.

Too muddy to make it up. Quading is something we love to do as a family. We are blessed to live so close to beautiful woods. There is always an adventure. It was nice to spend Mother's Day with my family and another mother.