On Wednesday Russell went to art class in Sexsmith. The project was making felt fabric from wool. There was long pieces of several different colors of wool. He started out with a white piece of wool and than added the colors he wanted. He made a scene of the ocean floor. The finished product has more detail on it than the one in the picture. Anyway, after the wool is placed, he wet the wool with warm water and Palmolive dish soap. Once soaked you rub plastic on it to start to mesh the fibers. Long story short, there is a shrinking process of the wool to create a fabric by doing several steps. We both had fun doing it. One of the ways to work the wool into fabric was to through it around in a plastic bag. He ended with a beautiful ocean with Nemo, a jellyfish, red fish, seaweed and a rock.

Chloe's closet has been a work in progress. Last Sunday Curtis and I worked on putting all the shelves together. Curtis made everything very strong and reinforced which you don't get from a commercial brand closet. The size of her closet is 8'long and 5' wide. There will be french doors put up later. She no longer has a dresser so the baskets house her socks, shirts, clothes that are too big etc.

This will be a closet she can grow into to. The shoe shelf on the bottom right side of the picture.

Even a matching laundry hamper.

This book shelf has more of our books in it then hers.

We did not know what to do about her windows. The 2 small ones face south west and the one by the bed faces north west. Needless to say, lots of sun comes in. During the summer, the sun sets in these windows and I want her sleeping before 11 pm. We put up thermal insulated curtains so that should do the trick. Her old room faced the same direction so she is use to sleeping without it pitch black. I think when she leaves home, this will be the mew master bedroom!!
Russell started piano lessons this week. He loved it. Our neighbor teaches his so he just walked over to her house by himself. He loved the independence. It is so cute to hear him count out loud while playing. Chloe will start this coming week. If there is an interest for both kids, I think the piano will have to be removed from Chloe's room.