Here are some of my favorite pictures that I took today. Joshua stayed awake for part of the time and then fell asleep. He is such a great subject to photograph. Blue looks so good on him. The craft room was nice and warm with the in floor heating on. I may have to think twice if I want this room a little studio or a craft room. Joshua doing his exercises. I think this picture is my favorite. I love his hair and big eyes! He is such a good baby. There are many changes from a month ago. I will be sad when they leave. Sure wish I could photograph him every month.
Chloe and baby Joshua. He is sporting his new outfit. Chloe took this picture of her babies and animals. Chloe needed a hair cut and was unable to take her to my hair dresser so out came the scissors. I am learning how to cut layers. This is the end product after a few Velcro roller were put in. I'm experimenting for Sabbath.
This has been our weather the last few days. The snow is greatly needed and much appreciated. The kids dressed the same at church again today. Russell now fits in better. Briana being a goof. Victoria loved the decoration. I like this one. Victoria is more Russell's speed. These two girls are always together. Briana had some new hair decoration today. Very cute. I'm sure there will one day when they don't want to wear the same clothes. Until than, they will have matching clothes when the opportunity arises.