Monday afternoon, we had a field trip to the Police station. The kids had a blast!! The officer let the kids try on her hat and vest. Chloe and her friend in the back of the car waiting for the sirens to start. We found an awesome deal on a VERY old piano. It was the owners grandmother's and is around 100 years old. All the keys work and the pads are like new. Once we have the flooring in Chloe's room and we are done rolling it around, we will get it tuned. Chloe has wanted a piano for years. She will not be taking proper lessons until maybe next year. She will be learning as she wants for now. The piano was in a walk out basement which made for easy moving. Curtis backed the trailer up to our doors downstairs and wheeled it in. Chloe is happy the piano fits in her new room. Chloe has been enjoying gymnastics to the fullest. She is improving and is always trying to do her best. Here she is trying to fall backwards, into a pit of foam blocks, and keep her body straight. After several tries, she got it. This girl has upper body strength. She can pull herself up the rope and let herself back down. On the bars she can hold herself up as well. Here Chloe is listening intently to see what the instructor wants her to do on the trampoline. Having a trampoline at home helps!! Gymnastics lasts for 11/2 hours once a week. She is tired and hungry on the way home!! One of the girls in her class is also a home schooled child and they see each other at other events.
On Sunday Uncle Jeff and Auntie Marta hosted Thanksgiving dinner. There were about 20 adults plus kids there. I usually host the event and it was so nice to go somewhere else. The weather was sunny but super windy. After lunch we went for a walk in the woods. Curtis has a grouchy look because the food has not yet his palate!! Some of the other dinner guests. Russell, Chloe and Briana were playing under the juice table and having lots of fun!!
Grandma and Grandpa Whitmore came to spend the weekend with us. We don't get a chance to see them that often. I have pictures of the Weich Grandparents and were missing a set!! Our children are blessed to know their grandparents. Grandparents play such an important roll in a grandchild's life. Here are some photos I took Monday afternoon near out house. Chloe and Grandpa being silly. The red sweaters were very suiting for fall. Three generations of Whitmore's. I was able to get them to smile when I said to get rid of the Whitmore scowl!! Now it is back to normal for the week. It was nice to have company. We didn't get much time to relax as we went to swimming lessons and turkey dinner at Uncle Jeff and Auntie Marta's (those pictures are to follow).