This is the outside scene on Thanksgiving, not what I had wanted.

Inside was warm and friendly. There was more beauty inside than out.

My trusty mother-in-law was there to carve the turkey, peel potatoes, make pie crusts, and a few other things. I HATE making pie dough so she stocks my freezer when she is here. That is the only was Curtis gets apple pie!

Tabitha and Sarah were visiting for the weekend and Russell and Chloe loved having them around.

Here is the whole gang.

I tried to get some pictures of Chloe and Briana in their cute clothes, but Briana had playtime on the brain.

She likes to "foof" Chloe's hair.

Here she is counting to three with her mother! There was a fun time had by all. Now the kids know that Christmas comes next. Russell lost a tooth while eating his turkey. He got $9 under his pillow. What happened to when a quarter was great? He was very excited and is saving for a train.